For most people and many businesses, taxes represent their single largest expense. Between sales taxes, income taxes, property taxes and payroll taxes, as much as half (if not more) of a person’s or business’ income can go toward paying taxes of some sort.
With that kind of impact, it’s important to have a law firm on your side with a deep understanding of the tax implications you face. A firm that has experience assisting celebrities, high net worth and high profile individuals and businesses navigate the complex world of taxes. A firm that knows your rights, and isn’t afraid to defend them when necessary. A firm that can explain it all to you in terms that you can understand. That firm is Breyer Andrew.
We represent celebrities, high net worth individuals and businesses in many types of matters, including:
Tax Planning and Advisory Services for Individuals
As a celebrity, high net worth or other high profile individual, you know taxes are a moving target. A change in federal law can mean changes to state and local laws as well, each of which can have its own impact on your bottom line. And if you’re someone with income from multiple states or countries, that impact multiplies. We’ll help you minimize your tax burden, keep you abreast of changes that can impact you, and provide you with timely advice. And our tax experience isn’t just limited to California or Illinois. We’ve helped individuals from over a dozen states and countries, so even if you don’t live in California we can help you.
Tax Planning and Advisory Services for Businesses
We have experience advising businesses on nearly every aspect of tax law. Whether buying, selling or growing your business, we will help you find practical solutions to every day tax problems – and the unusual ones as well. We’ll help you navigate complex tax situations, and give you the tax advice you need to make an informed decision.
Tax Policy
We meet with state and federal officials to discuss tax policy, and regularly give presentations to local professionals, including CPAs and attorneys, to keep them informed of tax issues that concern their clients. We strive to be at the forefront of tax issues, and to inform decision makers of how their policies affect their constituents. We’ll look out for you, too, and when strategically appropriate, make your concerns known to those who have an impact, because sometimes it’s better to be proactive than reactive.
Tax Controversy
We have substantial experience protecting the rights of our clients before federal, state and local tax authorities. We have represented major celebrities, high net worth individuals, and corporations of all sizes on a variety of matters, including audits, tax notices, liens and levies. If you get a letter or notice from a taxing authority – regardless of where they are – call us. We’re here to help protect your rights, and the sooner you call, the more options we have.